
Showing posts from October, 2017

‘Let’s talk about Culture not Behaviour’

Dylan Wiliam. "Nothing works everywhere – everything works somewhere." I love taking on a new class or year group as it is a chance to get to know a new group of students and start a journey which can change both of you forever. That may be a bit fanciful but there is something exciting about starting with a new group. We had Tom Bennett come in today to speak to us about behaviour and creating a culture. I had wanted to get my thoughts down on behaviour before this INSET but he definitely helped focus my attention and also give me a few things to think about in regards to creating a culture as opposed to focussing on a few skills to improve ‘Behaviour Management’. I have been a HOY for five years now and have been lucky to have year groups that have had really low behaviour points both times. Some people have said that to me, but myself and the tutors have also put a lot of work into building a relationship and ethos/culture that helps keep the behaviour points down....